Wednesday, January 27, 2010

First Post

So from my title you should know that im gonna be talking wayyy too much smack on here. the deal is read it if you like it if you dont then thats too bad cuz idgaf ! and yes im a vegetarian haha. what i hate the most is people who drive wayyy to slow to be driving in the first place! So today well i should say everyday, there are some people who drives sooo slow and makes me late for class! and you know how they be talking on the phone and think they hecka tight and everything... well sorry to ruin your dreams, but you're not cool! oh and i hate those people who always show off their cheap coach bags and think they tight cuz its all about louis vuitton! i know i know im super random but i really dont give a F*** about what you think LMAO .

nice first post right?? hahah

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