Friday, January 29, 2010


so i went shopping for new year clothes today and when me and my cousin's were walking from starbucks back to the parking lot one of my cousins' said "man look at this car it made that car park like that! " cuz one of the cars was parked hecka retarded and then i was like yeah i know they suck big time! and then this lady walked passed us and then when she got near the car she was saying something about us but we didnt hear but we all turned around laughing and said mang you jacked up!! hahha yeah we hecka jacked up but who cares its all about me :)

so when we went to the mall i was kinda disappointed cuz there wasnt the clothes i wanted. hahah well anyways one of my jacked up friends was saying how my shoe is ugly and then i was like YOUR FACE IS UGLY! lol yeah tonight will be a long night. i'll be playing mahjong with my aunts and yup i kinda dont want to hahaha and i'll be webcamming and chatting like i always. but yeah i have so much stuff to say but i totally forgot! hahah

bank, sushi, supermarket

ok... i had a busy morning today. first i ordered two pairs of shoes on champs and dude i dont agree shoes should cost 100 bucks a pair! >_< but jordans is jordans. so today i was planning to go arden to look for clothes to buy for chinese new years which happens to be on valentines day. i hate it when it comes to new years cuz looking for red clothes is sooo hard!

so this morning we went to eat sushi at fujis it was okay. but dang i hate the line good thing i didnt have to stand in it hahaha and after that i went to a supermarket which i think is the best supermarket around! VINH PHAT SUPERMARKET! i love it there. vinh phat is the better supermarkets here unlike sfmarket it hecka stinks in sfmarket omg hahah when you walked pass the outside you could already smell the nasty fishy smell. and so i went into sf market this one time and omg it was a horrible experience. the seafood section of the market stinks sooooo much like the smell travel through out the whole store! and when we were lining up to get rung up.. the lady only knew how to speak viet like she cant even speak chinese and thats not even the worse part the worse part is when we lined up she rung someone else up that was not even in line! and they started speaking viet to each other like WTF man oh let me add that this was late at night and only we were in line. like wtf never going there again! yeah i hecka love vinh phat! see yall there! hahah

next trip arden to buy some new years clothes!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

sometimes it makes me irritated when...

ok sometimes well fine all the time hahaha i hate it when you be talking to people on the phone or chatting with them and all they say ok... ok.. lol. haha.. and doesn't even give effort to even say something else. even if you say hey i'll give you 100 bucks right now to say something else besides mhm, ok, yeah, haha, lol. hahah doesnt you just hate talking to those people??? but sometimes it gets annoying if people be talking non stop too! hahha i know i do it but idgaf cuz im cool and you're not! LMAO okok jkjk some people are cool too... i guess. hahaha but yeah there are some people that are soooo paranoid and thinks everyone is talking about them hahah im hecka jacked up cuz i would say something like this... "don't worry no one is talking about you cuz.... you're not that important for people to care about in their lives" jacked up right? if not, what would you say? i can't think of any better way :)

my 2 hour massage experience

Soim at the massage right now getting my 2 hour massage and it feels great! I used to get massages once every week but I'm poor now so its once a month now. I have to say massages are like a drug and you just can't stop its a life time thing! Well anyways I love how asian people always talks smack! Hahahah and yup I am asian that's why I have a whole blog that talks smack. Hahahah well I love massages, spas, and my all time favorite nail salons cuz they all have the same thing in common... they all talk smack. First they ask you are you chinese? Are you vietnamese? My answer nope I'm korean hahaha and listen in on the stuff they talk about and in the end i would say hahaha I'm just playing I'm chinese and I understood every single word you said and guess what?? You're not getting tipped!!! LMAO! So I'm here now and so far so good no one is talking anddd they didn't ask a thing haahha have a great night people!

you crazy driver + class + target

ok so today after the first class me and my friend decided to get some chipotle. when we got off i lined up and these guys were behind me. my friend came in saying "you're a crazy ass driver!" the guy said how you know?? you saw my ambulance?? hahah she was referring to me but that ambulance drivers friends all thought they were talking about him cuz hes a crazy driver too hahahah then in class the teacher called us to go outside to talk... hahha we got introuble cuz we talking to loud while he was teaching. then what i hate the most is... going to TARGETTTT ! but i swear it got so much bigger hahaha i went to target after class to buy some pencils cuz i didnt have pencils for a math class! well anyways i went in wanting to buy pencils i went out buy 109$ worth of stuff. i heckaaaa hate target!!! hahah big FML right there.

i know i know some people might think im hecka weird, but who cares hahah im random and its tight cuz imma G LOL

>_< retarded drivers!!!

so today i got out of class and this stupid retard came out of the parking lot right in front of me driving heckaaaa slow! i hate retards who do that! dont come out in front of other cars if you drive slower. this is what causes accidents! oh not only that i hate people that get out from class and you'll be waiting for their parking and it takes them like 5 mins for them to start their car its like you gotta flirt with the car for it to start and back up!!! hahaha i know im very impatient but retards out there gotta learn to drive!

ok now its time for me to go to class and i just cant wait to tell you about it.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

what a fridge should look like.

Okay so the most important part of the house is.. the kitchen! and the most important thing in the kitchen is the fridge! when i was little i used to go to my aunt's friends' houses and everything and everyone's kitchen looks so... ugly! not only that i noticed when you go into people's houses it smells funny. what i respect the most is what is in the fridge and how it looks like on the outside. i always hated those plain what fridges... its all about the stainless steel! so heres what i have in my fridge. 99% of it is... drinks. i have anything from alcohol to water. i got the wine, vodka, beer, tequila, almost any type of alcohol on the door of the fridge. and here is the inside of it. of course you gotta change drinks every week so its always never the same in my fridge. and look... there is no food in there. why? because food is suppose to be fresh! so when you pick or buy it or w.e its best to cook it not leave it in the fridge for like a week!

First Post

So from my title you should know that im gonna be talking wayyy too much smack on here. the deal is read it if you like it if you dont then thats too bad cuz idgaf ! and yes im a vegetarian haha. what i hate the most is people who drive wayyy to slow to be driving in the first place! So today well i should say everyday, there are some people who drives sooo slow and makes me late for class! and you know how they be talking on the phone and think they hecka tight and everything... well sorry to ruin your dreams, but you're not cool! oh and i hate those people who always show off their cheap coach bags and think they tight cuz its all about louis vuitton! i know i know im super random but i really dont give a F*** about what you think LMAO .

nice first post right?? hahah